As a dressage rider, I normally work with European warm bloods. A few years ago a very special Quarter Horse came into my life. Working with this horse was the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

I didn’t think there was anything unique about her when I first met her. Then, as time went on, I was absolutely amazed at the effect she had on my life. I was transformed into a completely different and better person over the course of two years.

I was so inspired by her, that I spent the last six months writing a book about our journey together. I felt that her story must be told.

This book is ideal for any aspiring equestrian. I am very honest about the difficulties, the setbacks, and the great sacrifices that needed to be made in order to keep horses in my life. I experienced many failures. It made me jaded and negative, and I wanted to give up. I thought a Quarter Horse was the last thing I needed. But a voice within told me to spend the time with her. Then curious things started to happen in my life, and they just kept coming. A Quarter Horse helped turn perceived failure into great achievement.

“The Power of Dreams” is available in both paperback or Kindle at the following links:

Kindle version http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M78ADS2

Paperback version http://www.amazon.com/Power-Dreams-American-Impacted-Aspiring/dp/1499271468/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1406605182&sr=1-1&keywords=jeffie+pike

Also, be sure to download your FREE bonus chapters by entering your contact information in the box to the right.

One Comment

  1. Denise Green said:

    Dear Jeffie, I just finished your book, The Power of Dreams. It was given to me by your friend Jenn who lives in Granite Falls not far from me. I just met her and she comes sometimes and loves on my horses. She is a neat lady.

    You and I have so very much in common! I want to meet you soon. I love your tenacity and spirit! I wrote a book too!

    March 29, 2017

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